The RB002 balance bike by NILS FUN is the perfect first bike for the youngest children who have just mastered the art of walking. Its stable construction with four wheels made of EVA foam ensures safe play and is friendly to home floors. The bike has no pedals, which allows children to focus on developing coordination and balance by pushing themselves with their feet.
The TPR handle provides a secure grip for little hands, and the compact dimensions allow for easy navigation even in tight spaces. Designed for children up to 20 kg, this ride-on is not only a great way to have fun, but also an important step in the development of a toddler's motor skills. The child-friendly design in subdued colors makes the RB002 a favorite vehicle for every child.
- Dimensions:
- Length: 46.5 cm
- Height: 36.5 cm
- Width: 18 cm
- Weight: 1.6 kg
- Frame: Stainless steel, TPR, EVA
- Wheels: 5.9” (15 cm)
- Maximum user weight: 20 kg
- Not intended for commercial use
- 24 month warranty