The RB031 balance bike by NILS is an excellent option for the youngest children learning to ride a bike. The bike without pedals allows you to quickly learn to maintain balance and body balance while maintaining full control over speed, learning to brake. Thanks to this, in the future, the child is able to learn to ride a classic bike faster.
RB031 thanks to the adjustment of the saddle height can be adjusted to the height of each toddler. The durable and lightweight construction is resistant to damage and makes it much easier to control the bike, which is of great importance for the child's safety.
Thick, inflatable tires allow for perfect adjustment of hardness to the child's weight and perfectly cushion small bumps, which affects the comfortable ride. All this together increases the durability of the device and extends the service life, thanks to which the RB031 balance bike will serve for a long time.
An additional advantage is the original design and appropriately matched colors, which will appeal to both girls and boys. The RB031 balance bike also has a practical solution in the form of a wicker basket attached to the handlebars, in which we can hide our favorite toy or drink.
The bike is intended for children from 3 years of age.
- Dimensions:
- Length: 83 cm
- Height: 54.5 cm
- Width: 42.5 cm
- Weight: 4.7kg
- Frame: steel
- Wheels: 12”
- Tires: inflatable, rubber
- Rim: steel
- Saddle: PU
- Handles: TRP
- Saddle adjustment range: 38 - 46 cm
- Maximum user weight: 25 kg
- Not intended for commercial use
- 24 month warranty