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If you are considering buying a treadmill and have already browsed through the offers of various stores, you are probably now suffering from a severe headache. There are many treadmills on the Polish fitness market. The price range of these devices is huge. You have certainly come across treadmills for PLN 1,000, and you have also seen devices for PLN 40,000. Why such a price discrepancy?

When choosing the right treadmill, price is much more important than when choosing another fitness device. Here, quality is reflected in price. The higher the price of the device, the higher the quality of workmanship, better quality components, a more powerful engine, a more durable belt. There are three price ranges among treadmills: the simplest mechanical and electric treadmills from PLN 800 - 3000, home treadmills PLN 3000 - 8000, commercial treadmills and the highest quality home devices PLN 8000 and more.

Treadmill motor power

Choosing the right motor is important, especially if you plan to actively use the treadmill. The power values ​​provided by manufacturers vary. Some manufacturers provide peak power in their specifications, while others provide continuous power. This can be misleading, as peak power is much higher, making it difficult to compare it with the continuous power provided by another manufacturer. In the case of training treadmills, there are also two types of motors: direct current (DC) motors and alternating current motors. Direct current (DC) motors are quieter and are used primarily in home treadmills. Alternating current (AC) motors are more durable, provide more stable operation, and provide smoother speed control.

Stable treadmill construction

A treadmill for both commercial and home use should have a solid, massive construction. Thick profiles are important, as well as a heavy, massive construction of the running surface. It should be remembered that the pressure of the running person is greater than when the user is standing on the treadmill. This should be taken into account when selecting the maximum user weight. Also remember about the long and wide running surface. The treadmill arm cannot be too close to the running user, which will allow the exerciser's hands to move freely. The belt must be wide enough and long enough for the user to be calm that they will suddenly fall off the treadmill for a moment of inattention. A larger running surface provides directly proportionally greater comfort of exercise.

Track details

Boredom kills treadmill training. Remember to choose the right treadmill model for you, whose programs and device capabilities will provide a variety of exercises. Electronic regulation of the treadmill inclination angle is important. The variety of programs will provide you with entertainment during running, will reduce the monotony of exercises. The inclination and speed should be easily adjusted from the console. Heart rate monitoring is also a good solution, and therefore HRC programs, i.e. programs that control the treadmill's operation depending on the user's pulse. A bottle holder or a book shelf are important to me. Think about whether you will also use such a function.

Treadmill vs. Electric Treadmill

Due to the difference in cost, many people decide to buy a mechanical treadmill (without a motor). Unfortunately, these treadmills have many disadvantages compared to their motorized cousins. Movement on them is often difficult to achieve without using an extreme incline. What is worse, there is also no possibility of changing the incline during exercise on the device. In this comparison, a low price often means a less solid construction.

Bieżnia do domuBieżnie elektryczneBieżnie mechaniczne