Kompostownik ogrodowy - żyj w harmonii z naturą

Compost is an organic fertilizer produced mainly from plant waste.
All organic matter eventually decomposes and this is a completely
natural. This is the principle of life. Nothing is lost and everything is
transformed. Any organic body that falls to the ground will decompose.

Decaying organisms are made up of microorganisms. These include bacteria, fungi, and larger organisms such as worms and many others.

This natural breakdown requires four key ingredients to develop:
- nitrogen
- coal
- humidity
- oxygen.

Compost is a rich source of organic matter and at the same time the cheapest material for fertilizing the soil, because we can obtain it ourselves.
To optimally decompose our organic waste, we need:
- nitrogenous materials - green, soft or wet bio-waste,
- carbonaceous materials - brown, hard or dry bio-waste.

There are two main phases in this process: the degradation phase and the maturation phase.
It is at the end of these two phases that we obtain compost worthy of humus.

Which composter should I choose?

To produce compost we need a suitable composter. Here are the different types of home composters:

1. Compost bin

This is the most well-known composter and we can say that it is a classic model. It is a container that is usually quite large, it can hold several hundred liters
waste. You can choose this range if you have a garden with enough space. These models must have direct contact with the ground and are not mobile once set up. So you need to choose the right location from the very beginning so that you don't have any unpleasant surprises.

2. Rotary or drum composter

This is a suspended model that can be turned regularly. It is also designed for outdoor use, does not have direct contact with the ground, its volume is generally smaller than a compost bin. This one, can be moved and the turn allows for faster decomposition. You can move towards this range if you have an outdoor appearance. It is much better if you have a garden, but you can opt for one of these models if you have a large terrace.

3. Vermicompost

It differs from the other two in several ways. The first point is that
that it includes earthworms living in the tank. And the second issue is the possibility
storage at home. So you can choose this range of composters no matter where you live. These are the most versatile and often the most popular models if you don’t mind keeping worms. It’s very easy to find a small space for it. And it’s perfectly suitable for city life, even if you don’t have a garden.

4. Composters for apartments

Residential composters don’t quite fit into other, more traditional categories. The principle remains broadly the same, but these models are designed for indoor use.

Make the most of your organic waste by composting it into a rich soil conditioner for your garden with our range of Lifetime composters.
Lifetime has a variety of composter sizes to choose from. All Lifetime composters are constructed of durable polyethylene plastic with a galvanized steel base that allows for easy rotation of the bin.