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Treadmill Weight and User Weight: Why Does It Matter?

Choosing the perfect treadmill can be quite a challenge, especially if we want to match the equipment to our individual needs. One key aspect that is often overlooked is the relationship between the treadmill's weight and the user's weight. Why is this so important and what are the consequences of ignoring this factor?

Stability and security

The first and most important reason to consider the weight of a treadmill in relation to user weight is safety. Heavier treadmills are usually more stable and better cushioned, which is especially important for heavier people. Treadmill stability prevents vibration and movement of the equipment during use, which can prevent potential injuries.


The weight of the treadmill also has a direct impact on its durability. Devices designed to withstand greater loads are built from stronger, more durable materials. This in turn translates into a longer treadmill lifespan, less failure rate, and better training effects in the long run.

Comfort of use

The third aspect is user comfort. Treadmills designed for people with a higher weight often have a wider running belt and better shock-absorbing systems. Such solutions allow for a more natural run and are kinder to the user's joints. This is especially important for people who plan intensive or long-term training.

How to choose the right treadmill?

When choosing a treadmill, always pay attention to the maximum user weight that the manufacturer recommends for a given model. This is a value that should not be exceeded, as it can result not only in faster wear of the equipment, but also in the loss of the warranty.

In addition, it is worth considering buying a treadmill with a higher user weight than your current body weight. This gives you more room to evolve your training and protects you from having to replace your equipment as your physical condition improves and you lose weight.


The weight of the treadmill and the weight of the user are two factors that directly affect the safety, durability and comfort of training. When choosing a treadmill, it is worth keeping them in mind so that the purchased device serves us as best and as long as possible. At bieznie.pl we offer a wide selection of devices that will meet the needs of every runner, regardless of their weight and training preferences. We invite you to contact our specialists, who will be happy to help you choose the perfect treadmill for the individual needs of each user.