Aktywność fizyczna i sport w walce z nadwagą
Frequent movement and active rest directly cause fat burning. The benefits of regular physical activity cause visible improvement in well-being and increase in quality of life. Much less feeling of fatigue, strong immune system, attractive appearance, energy throughout the day and release of anger - these are just some of them.

Remember, also focus on good quality sleep!

Studies have shown that seven to eight hours is the optimal amount of sleep. Good sleep helps build lean body mass. A small amount of sleep at night deprives us of strength and increases appetite for the entire next day, due to hormonal imbalances. The latest scientific publications also praise the afternoon nap. Half an hour of rest and quiet (even without falling asleep), regulates the biological clock, relaxes muscles and reduces stress.

Universal sports equipment includes:
- comfortable, foot-fitting, soft sports shoes
- cotton T-shirt and shorts (on colder days you should wear a longer tracksuit)
- a half-liter bottle of still mineral water
- a small towel or headband.

Since our main idea is weight loss, we should focus on aerobic exercises. The gym is a great addition, but the most important issue for an overweight person is weight loss. Strength training focuses on the condition and endurance of skeletal muscles, while aerobic exercises increase the efficiency of the heart and respiratory system, while consuming large amounts of energy. After (at least) a five-minute warm-up of the joints and muscles, we can start our preferred sport.


The sport that is most often recommended for overweight people is running. Even half an hour a day can have a beneficial effect on your fitness and figure. It is best to run outdoors. If the weather does not allow it, it is worth using a treadmill. A treadmill is part of the equipment of most gyms and fitness clubs. You can also buy one on our website by clicking here .


Obese people should not run, because they can quickly overload their joints and get serious injuries. A great alternative in such a case is walking. It is almost as demanding as running; however, it allows you to relieve the knee joints.


This type of physical activity means engaging all muscle groups, the convenience of good body cooling and eliminating the problem of sweating, and a practically negligible risk of any bone and joint injury. It is the most comfortable and safest way to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but it does not provide the intensity of effort that running offers.


This is an activity that allows you to freely choose the level of intensity. It moderately burdens the joints. The bike, as a means of transport, also allows you to explore the further areas of your place of residence. It also provides the comfort of fast movement and a pleasant feeling of wind in your hair. In bad weather conditions, exercise bikes are a good substitute.

Team games and other sports

The element of competition, cooperation, good fun and the company of friends - these are factors that greatly influence progress in the fight against overweight. Concentration on team play and victory usually excludes boredom and monotony. Football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis - the choice is huge, although it is worth considering the most intense effort possible.

How to stay motivated to improve your physical fitness?

Motivation is the most important element that pushes us to change our lifestyle. If we have good sources of motivation, success is within reach. Under no circumstances should we torment ourselves with a dark vision of a sluggish future, in case we give up on the newly chosen path. Every source of our motivation must be positive.

A few simple ideas to make it easier to reach your goal:
• Cook healthy and tasty meals not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.
• Encourage your family and friends to practice your favorite sport together.
• If you have a dog - run/walk with him. Dogs love physical activity.
• Listen to your favorite music, if the type of activity allows it.
• Create a schedule to create consistency.
• Check your weight regularly and challenge yourself.