Jak ćwiczyć na bieżni?
To properly conduct a running workout using an electric treadmill, remember to have a proper training plan. In order to avoid unwanted injuries and increase the effectiveness of the workout, you should warm up for the first few minutes. The best way is to jog at a slow pace.

Let's start running

After a few minutes of warming up, you should speed up to about 12 km/h. At this speed, try to run for 1.5 minutes, then slow down by half and calm your breathing for another 1.5 minutes. Do this cycle 3 times. After this stage, you can move on to the next level by increasing the speed to your maximum. Remember to maintain safety while running on the treadmill. At the speed you set, try to run for a minute. Then reduce the speed to about 7 km/h and regulate your breathing. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

Cool Down, relax

Finally, use the last two minutes of your workout to cool down, jogging at an initial pace. This operation is designed to gradually restore balance in your body. In the future, we suggest increasing the length of each stage. Extending the periods of maximum effort will burn more calories and increase your body's efficiency. See our collection of treadmills by clicking here