Body Pump - kompletny trening ciała

What is BodyPump?

Body Pump is a program that was created in 1991 in Auckland, New Zealand. Today, this technique is present in over 100 countries. Body pump is a complete body workout in which a large number of repetitions are performed with light and medium weights.

This comprehensive workout burns calories, shapes and firms the entire body, strengthens the spine muscles and has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system. Body Pump serves to improve posture, strengthen joints and avoid pain typical of the current lifestyle - including cervical, lumbar, back.

Performing an aerobic routine combined with weightlifting is becoming increasingly popular among women who want to sculpt their bodies without looking like a bodybuilder.

Body Pump classes last about an hour and are held in groups led by an instructor. Classes are held to dynamic music that provides motivation to exercise.

The structure of the workout is similar to any other cardio or aerobics class. The first part is a warm-up. Then we work on the legs and buttocks, chest, back, triceps and biceps.

Then we go back to working the lower body and arms, to finish later with the abs. The last steps are stretching and relaxing the body. As you can see, the training is very complete, with high intensity and short breaks between music. The elements necessary for Body Pump exercises are weights, dumbbells , discs, barbell .

The main goal of the Body Pump practice is to increase muscle mass, or at least tone the body well. This benefit does not occur in overweight people, but in those who have already achieved a decrease in body fat.

On the other hand, calories are burned, which translates into a loss of fat tissue volume if it is accompanied by a proper diet and following the indications of specialists. One of the advantages of Body Pump according to those who practice it two or three times a week is that the results are quite fast. Another good news about this activity is that the exercises are simple and there is no need to follow a choreography, as is the case with other aerobics classes such as step choreography.

Body Pump - how often?

As with most aerobic or cardio exercises, it is recommended to perform Body Pump training two or three times a week, always with a rest day in between.

If you have never done exercises of similar intensity, it is advisable to start slowly, with light weights and not overload the body in the first weeks. Then you can increase the intensity, always following the instructions of the instructor of the classes. The weight of the discs or dumbbells should also be gradual and progressive to reduce the risk of injury. Finally, it is important to perform the movements in the correct way, as shown by the instructor. In this way, the exercise will be effective and we will avoid injuries.
