Jak zapobiegać urazom mięśni podczas aktywności fizycznej - 8 wskazówek

Physical activity is considered one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle and a factor determining physical health.
and mental of the individual. They say "Sport is health!", but for this to happen it is worth following certain rules and regulations. Discover 8 tips on how to avoid muscle injuries.

1. Hydrate yourself

Physical exertion sometimes causes significant water loss. This water loss is achieved either through sweating, which regulates body temperature, or through the use of glycogen reserves during the production of energy necessary for exertion.

Regular hydration is recommended, i.e. 1 to 2 hours before physical activity, then often during exercise and finally during the recovery phase. Feeling thirsty is already an advanced symptom of dehydration. Don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink. Alkaline waters, rich in minerals, help buffer muscle acidity and reduce the risk of cramps. If cramps are accompanied by increased fatigue, irritability and symptoms such as eyelid twitching, you can also consider increasing your intake of foods rich in magnesium or even using dietary supplements.

2. Eat well

An adapted diet is essential for sports. Some diets low in "sugars" can cause the body to lack energy during exercise. Deprived of fuel, the body reaches for the muscles to use protein stores. This alternative is not desirable, because it depletes muscle mass and weakens the body. Each sports practice must be accompanied by basic knowledge of nutrition. About 2-3 hours before training, a meal consisting of an appropriate amount of carbohydrates and proteins should be consumed. Cereal products are recommended, e.g. wholemeal bread, groats, oatmeal, pasta.

It is also worth providing the body with protein, which allows the development of muscle tissue and minimizes the breakdown of proteins after training.
and accelerates muscle regeneration. Large amounts of this valuable ingredient are contained in natural yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, and legume seeds.

3. Sleep well

Sleep is one of the key factors influencing the performance of both high-level athletes and recreational athletes. Rest, recovery and sleep help regulate emotions and satiety. Therefore, it is important to take care of comfort. Accumulated fatigue weakens the body and makes it more susceptible to injuries. Regardless of whether it is occasional sports practice, such as on vacation, or regular, take care of your sleep hours during exercise, quantitatively and qualitatively. You will feel the benefits and avoid unpleasant surprises.

4. Follow the basic rules of training

Muscle injuries are a signal that the body is not working in favorable conditions. It is recommended not to neglect the progressive warm-up phase before starting physical work. This allows the muscles to prepare for the effort without a sudden transition from rest to activity.
The training load must be adapted to the pace of life. Even light physical activity, if regular, helps reduce the effects of stress and mental fatigue. Physical fatigue should be considered differently. Imposing physical activity on an occasionally weakened body can exacerbate the symptoms of fatigue and the occurrence of injuries. Short-term chosen rest can sometimes avoid long-term forced rest.

5.Do not resume physical activity without progression

Any punctual sports practice on the occasion of the vacation, such as skiing, hiking or mountain biking, should be considered an extraordinary physical load for the body. Do not hesitate to practice light but regular muscle-building exercises before the vacation, as well as relaxation sessions. This type of measure provides a beneficial sports vacation and significantly minimizes the risk of injury.

6. Listen to your body's signals

Some more serious muscle injuries involving fiber damage may have been preceded by minor injuries that were not taken into account. Muscle pain is not a disability, but a signal from your body to provide you with precautions at the right time. Suppressing pain and ignoring it during regular physical activity is not the answer. Match your training and physical activity to heal your body, not harm it.

7. Choose the right equipment

Regardless of whether you play sports regularly or occasionally, it is important not to skimp on the quality of sports equipment. Make sure that the training equipment you choose is characterized by high parameters, solid workmanship.

You can easily choose the right type of sports equipment to suit your preferences. You can choose from treadmills , elliptical trainers , exercise bikes , rowers and many more.

The ability to connect to an interactive training platform with the iFIT exercise app offers highly personalized exercise sets tailored to your preferences.

8. Stretch regularly

To be beneficial, stretching should be done well and not applied to a sore muscle. Stretching can restore functional range, reduce the risk of injury, and improve strength. Stretching also has the benefit of relaxing by releasing tension that has built up in the muscles. These muscle tensions can cause injuries if the body is put through too much brutal strain.