Nowe treningi iFit

iFit - what's new in January?

Happy New Year, iFIT Community! As we enter January, it’s time to make a fresh start and set the tone for a healthier, happier new year. This mo...
Monitorowanie Tętna podczas Treningu w Domu: Czym Jest Pulsometr i Jak Go Używać?

Monitoring Your Heart Rate While Training at Home: What Is a Heart Rate Monitor and How to Use It?

Home workouts have become incredibly popular in recent years, and monitoring your heart rate during workouts is a key element in achieving effec...
Wybór między orbitrekiem magnetycznym a elektromagnetycznym - Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć

Choosing between a magnetic and electromagnetic elliptical trainer - Everything you need to know

One of the most important steps when deciding to buy exercise equipment is choosing the right elliptical trainer. There are many different model...