Wybór między orbitrekiem magnetycznym a elektromagnetycznym - Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć

Choosing between a magnetic and electromagnetic elliptical trainer - Everything you need to know

One of the most important steps when deciding to buy exercise equipment is choosing the right elliptical trainer. There are many different model...
7 kreatywnych sposobów wykorzystania urządzeń fitness w treningu w domu

7 Creative Ways to Use Fitness Equipment for Your Home Workout

If you are wondering how you can use typical fitness equipment in an unusual way in the comfort of your home gym, be sure to read this post. We will show you 7 devices that will creatively diversify your workout!

Trening interwałowy na bieżni

Interval training using fitness equipment

If you are looking for an effective way to speed up your metabolism and burn calories, interval training using fitness equipment is a great solution. Thanks to the intensity and variety of these workouts, you can achieve amazing results in a short time. In today's post, we want to share with you some valuable tips on how to effectively use fitness equipment for interval training.
Bowflex VeloCore 22i

VeloCore 22i - innovative cycling training

Looking for an innovative device for your home gym? Do you like cycling, but capricious weather prevents you from fully enjoying it? The Bowflex Ve...
Body Pump - kompletny trening ciała

Body Pump - complete body workout

What is BodyPump? Body Pump is a program that was created in 1991 in Auckland, New Zealand. Today, this technique is present in over 100 countri...
Jak poprawić nastrój poprzez ćwiczenia?

How to improve your mood with exercise?

There are days in everyone's life when you don't feel like doing anything, you're in a bad mood, irritable, sad or depressed, and all you want to d...