Smar do bieżni

Treadmill belt lubrication

Lubrication of the running belt One of the most common questions we get from treadmill owners is about treadmill lubrication. This issue is a...
Smar do bieżni

Treadmill belt lubrication

Lubrication of the running belt One of the most common questions we get from treadmill owners is about treadmill lubrication. This issue is a...
Domowa siłownia. Bieżnia elektryczna

Home gym. Electric treadmill

The treadmill is one of the most important pieces of equipment in many gyms, and we are increasingly buying them for our homes. Treadmills allow us...
Aktywność fizyczna i sport w walce z nadwagą

Physical activity and sports in the fight against excess weight

Frequent movement and active rest directly cause fat burning. The benefits of regular physical activity cause visible improvement in well-being and...
Trening aerobowy w domu: w jaki sprzęt warto zainwestować?

Aerobic training at home: what equipment is worth investing in?

Aerobic training has become one of the most popular training programs, and many of us try to systematically perform individual exercises. Aerobic t...
Nowość na polskim rynku od BH Fitness - systemy DUAL Kit

New on the Polish market from BH Fitness - DUAL Kit systems

The Polish market has seen the introduction of devices from the Spanish manufacturer BH FITNESS with DUAL displays. They allow the user to connect ...